Plenoptic Imaging
PLENOPTIMA - Plenoptic Imaging
Plenoptic Imaging (PLENOPTIMA) is a four-year (2021–2024) H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network that develops a cross-disciplinary approach to plenoptic imaging, which includes new optical materials and sensing principles, signal processing methods, new computing architectures, and vision science modelling. With this aim, PLENOPTIMA joins five of the strongest research groups in nanophotonics, imaging and machine learning in Europe with twelve innovative companies, research institutes, and a pre-competitive business ecosystem developing and marketing plenoptic imaging devices and services.
The ultimate goal of PLENOPTIMA is to establish new cross-sectorial, international, multi-university sustainable doctoral degree programmes in the area of plenoptic imaging and to train the first fifteen next generation researchers and creative professionals within these programmes for the benefit of a variety of application sectors.
All 15 early stage researchers (ESRs) founded by the project will be registered in Joint/Double degree doctoral programmes at academic institutions in Bulgaria, Finland, France, Germany and Sweden. The ESRs will contribute through their individual research projects to following work packages:
- WP1: Computational plenoptic acquisition systems
- WP2: Models and methods for plenoptic data processing
- WP3: Perception and interactive visualization of plenoptic content
The research will be supported by an extensive training program consisting of training schools, workshops, and webinars.
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Recent news
Discover the Future of Imaging: ELFI 2024 Workshop Invites Researchers to Sozopol, BulgariaApril 3, 2024/0 Comments
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