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Meet our Early Stage Researchers: ESR4 Erwan Leria

Tell me something about yourself?

My name is Erwan Leria. I grew up in Bordeaux, in the southwest of France. My high school and my first university were also in Bordeaux. I completed first a Bachelor of Computer Science. Then, I moved to Marseille where I did my Master’s degree in Geometry and Computer Graphics.

During my studies, I worked twice at the French National Institue for Research in Computer Science and Automation (INRIA) as a student intern. The first time was in Bordeaux, for my Bachelor’s thesis, where the topic was about performance simulation of replayed tasks graphs for scheduling strategies. The other one was at Grenoble, for my Master’s thesis, where I worked on real-time volumetric rendering of nebulae that were generated with multifractal Perlin noise.

Why did you apply to the PLENOPTIMA project?

I was looking for a research position which deals with parallel heterogeneous computing and real-time rendering. Parallel real-time rendering on heterogeneous architectures is a subject in which I have been interested since I was a kid. The combination of these two topics is not really studied in France, as far as I know, so I was ready to look for opportunities outside of France. My only requirement was to stay in Europe. The ESR positions of the PLENOPTIMA project were available a few months after I graduated, the topic of the ESR4 was exactly what I was looking for, and its location was in Finland, which was in the area I was considering. Moreover, being part of the PLENOPTIMA project is the occasion to meet new people and to be part of a project which has a concrete direction.

What kind of expectations do you have for your research project and the upcoming network training?

I would be glad to contribute new ideas and perspectives to the scientific community. I want to bring new topics and problems to the table in order to prepare for the future, especially for photorealistic VR/AR experience in real-time. I expect my research to give an understanding of the challenges in building new eco-systems for the different environments where real-time parallel rendering applications can evolve. This would possibly lead to reconsidering the hardware and low-level implementations of the current parallel architectures. In my opinion, this complexity is what makes research interesting.

As I am permanently seeking new knowledge, I expect the PLENOPTIMA training network to be the opportunity to develop new skills and to learn about new things while I’m working on a topic I’m interested in.

What hobbies do you have?

Rugby, Chess, Poems, Theatre, Bagpipe

Erwan works as Early Stage Researcher at Tampere University (TAU), Finland, and his research topic is “Real-time View Interpolation with Distributed Heterogeneous Computing“.